Tilda Swinton for Aperture
Kaari Upson / New York Times
Nora N. Khan Topical Cream Editor-in-Residence 2021
Laura Mclean Ferris Topical Cream Editor-in-Residence 2022
Jamian Juliano-Villani / Sotheby's
Amant founder and C.E.O. Lonti Ebers with artistic director Ruth Estévez / Bloomberg News.
Mickalene Thomas / PIN-UP Magazine & Vanity Fair Print
Theresa Chromati / PIN-UP Magazine
Juliana Huxtable / L' Officiel Art (cover story)
Reba Maybury / Topical Cream
Ann Hirsch as Jason Biddies / Topical Cream
Cajsa von Zeipel / Swedish Financial Times
Jamian Juliano-Villani / Topical Cream
Dese Escobar / Vogue
Amy Zimmer / Vogue
Eartheater / Vogue
Carmen Herrera /  PIN-UP Magazine
Lafawndah /  Topical Cream
Fatima Al Qadiri / Dazed Magazine
Marie Karlberg / Topical Cream
Janiva Ellis / Topical Cream
Juliana Huxtable / Topical Cream
Sahra Motalebi / PIN-UP Magazine
Lynne Tillman/  Topical Cream
Kimberly Drew / Topical Cream
Felix Burrichter / 032c
Lena Henke / Third Rail Magazine
Tilda Swinton for Aperture
Tilda Swinton for Aperture
Kaari Upson / New York Times
Kaari Upson / New York Times
Nora N. Khan Topical Cream Editor-in-Residence 2021
Nora N. Khan Topical Cream Editor-in-Residence 2021
Laura Mclean Ferris Topical Cream Editor-in-Residence 2022
Laura Mclean Ferris Topical Cream Editor-in-Residence 2022
Jamian Juliano-Villani / Sotheby's
Jamian Juliano-Villani / Sotheby's
Amant founder and C.E.O. Lonti Ebers with artistic director Ruth Estévez / Bloomberg News.
Amant founder and C.E.O. Lonti Ebers with artistic director Ruth Estévez / Bloomberg News.
Mickalene Thomas / PIN-UP Magazine & Vanity Fair Print
Mickalene Thomas / PIN-UP Magazine & Vanity Fair Print
Theresa Chromati / PIN-UP Magazine
Theresa Chromati / PIN-UP Magazine
Juliana Huxtable / L' Officiel Art (cover story)
Juliana Huxtable / L' Officiel Art (cover story)
Reba Maybury / Topical Cream
Reba Maybury / Topical Cream
Ann Hirsch as Jason Biddies / Topical Cream
Ann Hirsch as Jason Biddies / Topical Cream
Cajsa von Zeipel / Swedish Financial Times
Cajsa von Zeipel / Swedish Financial Times
Jamian Juliano-Villani / Topical Cream
Jamian Juliano-Villani / Topical Cream
Dese Escobar / Vogue
Dese Escobar / Vogue
Amy Zimmer / Vogue
Amy Zimmer / Vogue
Eartheater / Vogue
Eartheater / Vogue
Carmen Herrera /  PIN-UP Magazine
Carmen Herrera / PIN-UP Magazine
Lafawndah /  Topical Cream
Lafawndah / Topical Cream
Fatima Al Qadiri / Dazed Magazine
Fatima Al Qadiri / Dazed Magazine
Marie Karlberg / Topical Cream
Marie Karlberg / Topical Cream
Janiva Ellis / Topical Cream
Janiva Ellis / Topical Cream
Juliana Huxtable / Topical Cream
Juliana Huxtable / Topical Cream
Sahra Motalebi / PIN-UP Magazine
Sahra Motalebi / PIN-UP Magazine
Lynne Tillman/  Topical Cream
Lynne Tillman/ Topical Cream
Kimberly Drew / Topical Cream
Kimberly Drew / Topical Cream
Felix Burrichter / 032c
Felix Burrichter / 032c
Lena Henke / Third Rail Magazine
Lena Henke / Third Rail Magazine